Custom Display Stands

If you require custom display stands to showcase your posters or graphics, we are able to custom make them for you. Here are some examples you can choose from.

We will be with you throughout the entire journey. From the initial design to the fabrication phase, we are with you every step of the way. 

If you have got an event planned and would like some ideas about exhibition booth/stand design and build, get in touch with us now!

If you require more event logistics solutions, you can find more of our solutions here.

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Size: 1mL x 2mH



Size: 1mL x 2mH



Size: 1mL x 2mH



Size: 1.5mL x 2mH



Size: 0.8mL x 1.1mH

Get a quote

If you’d like a quote for a Design & Build Custom Exhibition Stand, email us your brief (you might find our brief template helpful).
If you prefer to chat, give us a call on (+65) 6281 0233.